Thursday, 5 September 2013

Quinoa, A Prepper Super Food!

Quinoa, A Prepper Super Food!

Firstly, a tad bit pretentious to correct people but apparently most of us Aussie have been pronouncing it incorrectly, it's not "kwin-oh-AH" or other variations, it should be pronounced "keen-WAH".  

And yes its consider one of those super cool super foods that health food and gym junkies love but that should NOT put you off storing this amazing whole grain!

I’m always a little suspicious of anything that gets labelled as a ‘superfood’. Which is why it took me a while to get around to trying quinoa...

Now I realise that NO prepper should be without this in there food stores! 

Quinoa is a highly nutritious 100% whole grain that is both gluten free and wheat free. It is a complete protein, an excellent source of iron, dietary fibre and contains vitamin B and essential amino acids. 

As well as being a great source of protein and delicious it’s simple to make (especially in a SHTF situation):

Rinse Quinoa, the combine ½ cup of Quiona and 1 cup of water (one part Quiona, Two parts water) and bring to the boil. Reduce and allow it to simmer for approx 8 minutes (until tender) and you’re done! 

You could add all kinds of vegetables, broths or seasonings to create a tasty meal. Or you can use it as a rice substitute. 

Speaking of rice, I have both rice and Quinoa in my food store however since I have discovered the wonder that is Quinoa I’m leaning more towards it than rice. 
Rice stores well and is less expensive but it does not have the same nutritional value that Quinoa does. I think it’s more important to stock up on a super food that will help keep me and my family healthy during a SHTF situation.

I highly recommend this product to everyone building a food store and to try in every day cooking!

Please note the above hyperlinks are examples only. We have no affiliation with any of the above websites. 

Hope for the Best, Prep for the Worst!  


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